OMEGA boutique Shanghai at Swatch Art Peace Hotel



2011年にSwatchが全館を借り上げ、The Swatch Art Peace Hotelとしてオープンしました。この建物は1909年にアヘン戦争終結会議が行われた和平飯店として歴史に名を残しています。それ故に歴史的建造物に認定され、その1階Palace Hallに在るこのOmegaは、竣工当時のデザインを保持するべく壁や天井に一切手を加える事を厳しく制限されました。



In 1909, the International Opium Commission met in this hotel called the Peace Hotel at the time for the first international conference dedicated to the prohibition of opium. The conceptual approach and objectives of this historical Swatch Art Peace Hotel project were presented and took three years to be completed in 2011. With due respect paid to its cultural protection, we were severely restricted to touch the original ceiling and wall of the Palace hall located on the ground floor which was presented to Omega .

Not only be a flagship store but also be honored the largest surface of the store worldwide, the space needed to be demised from large to small in order to present the Omega world. Therefore, a vertical stand-alone “RIB” element which has a triangular base and gradually flattened to the top was designed to form a lattice work as a partition wall. Eventually, this room divider softly closes and opens up from one room to another as you walk along the palace hall.